About TWFanmily Access

Hello TWFanmily,    
     I just wanted to thank you and welcome you to TWFanmily Access. Here you can find day by day updates and overviews on The Wanted and the TWFanmily posted as often as possible, but as you know life is busy.

Some things included on TWFanmily Access:

- Day overviews of The Wanted, the boys individually as well as the TWFanmily
- The latest TW flips and interviews of the boys- TW song of the day
- TWFanmily announcement posts and photos every #FanFriday

How you can be involved in TWFanmily Access: 

- If any of my information is wrong or outdated in a TWOverview just message me or DM me on twitter (@JMHthewanted) and I will make the corrections.
- Want to add something I missed to a TWOverview or TWFanmily Access? Just email me at jmhabersaat@gmail.com or message me on twitter. This is for you so feel free to request any updates or posts that you want.
- Want a personal announcement made to the TWFanmily on TWFanmily Access just message me and let me know. If its important I will post it that day. If it can wait, all announcements by fans to the TWFanmily will be made in a TWAnnouncement post sometime on #FanFriday.
- Do you have a photo, a piece of artwork, cover, writing etc. that you want to share with the TWFanmily? Email it to me or send it via twitter and I will post it in a TWFanMania post sometime on #FanFriday
- Do you have a favorite video that you would like to share with the TWFanmily ? Just send me the link and as soon as I get the chance I will share it on TWFanmily Access 
- Have a TW song stuck in your head? Message me and I will include it on a TWOverview post.

     TWFanmily Access is for the fans so enjoy, leave comments and get involved. 

Thanks for reading,

Note: If you created any trends on twitter that I did not give you credit for message me and I will have a follow up message giving you the credit you deserve.

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