April 21, 2012

"I think its cause we weren't wearing seatbelts."

Hi we're The Wanted and we've just been punk'd...

Thursday April 19, 2012: TWOverview

Although today is #ThusJay, the boys posted the #WantedWednesday flip and sent out the mailer today!!

     If you haven't see the flip you can watch it here (link) it's a new one showing the boys time in Canada and Minneapolis. Also if you still haven't received your mailer, you can look here on @TheWantedUS website where they were kind enough to post it (link)!!!

     Special note about the mailer!! After 5 weeks of waiting I finally received my first mailer today!! Better late then never and I wasn't even expecting it so when I found out I received it, it defiantly made my day!!

     Coming back to the worldwide trend #TWBackInTheUK the boys arrived in London at 6:28 AM EDT. As soon as the plane touched down the boys were eager to share their excitement...

- @NathanTheWanted We are home!!! :D

- @MaxTheWanted Great to see all you lovely lot at the airport! X  Cant beat a bit of good old british grey weather!

- @TomTheWanted The wanted are back!

- @JayTheWanted Thank a million to everyone welcoming us home at the airport! It was nice to see some familiar faces (and new ones too) you babes!

-@SivaTheWanted Home sweet home!!! Now someone get me some tea bags lol

     Besides the fact that the boys were on MTV's Punk'D today (talk about that in a little bit), a lot was going on on twitter!!

Tweeting more often than they have in the past couple of days (I guess they aren't as busy right now as they take time to relax at home) Nath started off the day of tweets and pictures by thanking fans for his birthday wishes...

Thanks for all of the awesome birthday cards and gifts from everyone who came to see us at the airport! It's good to be home! :) x

To farther update us on their night with the Playboy bunnies the guys tweeted this picture of them claiming it was a "dream come true." As I expect it would be for any boy their age, because it wouldn't be normal if they didn't brag.

We were also graced today with pictures of Nareesha and Martin at The Voice!!

I'm happy to see some pictures from The Voice, but I have to admit I'm still waiting on the boy's picture with ADAM LEVINE!!! I mean come on boys when is that picture going to be released!! But I guess for now I can deal with this sexy picture of Siva, Jay and the kids backstage...

By the way has anyone seen these new pictures of Angelina Jolie in LA??

     Did you notice the man in the background? IT'S BIG KEV, the boys head of security!!! Bet the paparazzi didn't realize that they were getting a little piece of The Wanted when they took a picture of Angie. Congratulations on your photo bomb Big Kev!! You are truly legend. Although I bet you were completely surprised when you saw her. "Wait is that Angelia Jolie walking in font of me as I step out for a cigarette?"

Lastly before the big news of the night...

Where are The Wanted update: Nath will be heading back to his home town, Gloucester tomorrow to
spend time with the family. He responded this little sister's welcome home tweet...

 thanks jess!! Shall be picking you up from school tomorrow!! :) x

Isn't he just the sweetest big brother ever!! I'd say I want him as my big brother, but that would be a little awkward given the fact I'm in love with him...

Nath also tweeted this about his return home to his hometown...

Gig for friendly people in suits done, now off to bed for an early start as I'm off home to farmland!!!

Finally THE BIG EVENT OF THE DAY!!! The Wanted stared on MtV Punk'd today!!!!

   And it was hilarious!! The boys were accused of stealing a ten year old girl!! You can watch the boys part in the show here in case you missed it (link). And since on the episode you didn't get to see the boys whole reaction to the prank, MTV posted it on their site (link).

   Although Max, Siva and Jay did not have abig part in the prank you have to admit we got some perfect line / moments with Tom that made up for it...

Cop: You don't know why we pulled you over.


I'm dying right now. Can't handle and the best part is that Tom was dead serious with his response!!

My other favorite part was what the cop said to Tom:

Cop: You gotta slow it down. I don’t understand a word you are saying right now. Do your best you can to lose the accent.

I almost peed my pants!!

Also this part wasn't in the episode but it was in the preview which you can watch here...(link)

Cop: I don't understand what do you guys do?
Tom: we're singers
Cop: I think you're a liar
Tom: We're a boy band
Cop: Do you shave your chest?
Tom: *Looks down at chest*

This episode was just amazing and also Baby Nath wasn't acting like such ababy in this episode!! He was pretty bad ass!! 

But then being the cutie that he is he practically re tweeted every post about him being a man and tough...

;) RT : People call the baby of the group, but boy he's one tough cookie :p 

and he rubbed it in Toms face...

So take it you all saw  nearly shed a tear on punk'd??!

How adorable and precious is he?!

   So besides telling you I tried to win a radio contest and lost because I was caller number 89 when I had to be 92 to win a meet and greet with the boys (I cried my eyes out...jk but I was close!) I guess that Is all for today!!

Hope you enjoyed!!

P.S. Sorry this is 2 days late...I was just really busy. But better late then never!!

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