April 18, 2012

Nathan James Sykes: April 18, 1993

#WantedWednesday and Nath's birthday...

Wednesday April 18, 2012: TWOverview

     Happy birthday Nathan James Sykes!! Finally nineteen, one year from 20 and two years from having not to steal Tom's ID while in the states!! And how cute was he when he was a baby...

I know Nath's been getting many wishes from the TWFanmily and I hope he realizes how loved he is. Here are a few happy birthday wishes made by special members of the TWFanmily:

- From @hanlovesTW and @ILoveNJS (link)
- From @TW_StreetTeam (link)
- From @DanaTW3D (link)

**Thank you for making Nath those videos. I hope he sees them and thank you for giving me as well as many other TWFanmily members the chance to be in it!!**

     And to celebrate Baby Nath's birthday, right after their performance on The Voice (waiting for the picture with Adam Levine) they did it the only proper way you should celebrate your nineteenth birthday...at the Playboy mansion with Hugh Hefner and the Playboy's of course!!

First to announce this celebration was Hugh Hefner himself...

"The Wanted, a UK boy band, had a BBQ poolside while the girls & I were playing dominos. We shot a few photos together."

and we can all thank him for also posting some pictures too:

But don't worry the boys did not attend the celebration alone!! The girlfriends Kelsey and Nareesha joined along too! But I think Nareesha was more excited about the kiss she received from Justin Bieber than the party...

"Got a kiss from Justin Bieber who pretended to be my much younger boyfriend today and partied at the playboy mansion  :D"

     And we know the boys partied hard when Jay (for probably the millionth time) nursed a hangover in the morning...

"@JayTheWanted: *keeps telling myself* There are worse things in life than a hangover. ... Oh god the pain!!!!"

When will you learn Jaybird, when will you learn.

*side note* Have you checked out Nath's bio change??

Happy Birthday again Nathan Sykes!! Hope it was a good one.

     Via a reply by the band twitter account, the boys tease some more saying that the music video for Chasing the Sun will be released soon. Lets cross our fingers for next week, but for now we can enjoy the Chasing the Sun with lyrics video posted today on vevo (link).

Also if you haven't purchased Chasing the Sun please do so now...(link). It is currently number 37 and that is with out any airtime too!!! So proud of the boys but lets get them to the top ten!!

     On an important note. The #WantedWednesday mailer will be released on #ThursJay because as The Wanted put it "time zones".

     Just to let you know the boys left the US today at 5:35pm out of LAX airport on Virgin Airways to spend some time at home. They are expected to arrive in London at 12:05pm tomorrow so I hope the TWUKFanmily gives them a warm welcome back!! I know they were missed!!

I hope the boys enjoy their break back home, but I can't wait for them to come back to NYC on the 23rd!!

    Before saying goodbye I just want to remind you that the boys will be on MTV's Punk'D tomorrow!! So tune in!!

Song of the Day: Let's Get Ugly

Hope you enjoyed,

Video: Showing Siva's tummy at 2:52 <----- WATCH!!

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